Instructions for Authors
Peer review process:
After submitting a manuscript, authors will receive information about receipt of the manuscript.
All submitted manuscripts for the Acta logistica journal are sent out to the peer-review process.
The peer-review process takes place in several rounds. In the first round, the manuscripts are reviewed
by the journal’s editor concerning the quality and focus of the manuscripts. In addition, manuscripts are
checked for plagiarism. Manuscripts that are out of the aim and scope do not comply with the plagiarism check
of the journal or are of an unacceptably low standard, and quality will be rejected directly without the
second round peer review process. From 2018 is the new numbering of the articles by a volume numbering system.
Each manuscript will be single-blind reviewed by at least two reviewers. The reviewers will fill out a review
form and evaluate the submitted manuscripts.
Reviewers will evaluate the following points:
The manuscript is relevant for the Acta logistica journal.
The manuscript is new, interesting, original and high quality.
The manuscript is prepared clearly, logically and correctly.
The language of the manuscript is clear and understandable.
The manuscript’s figures, diagrams, charts, and tables are readable, clear, and high quality.
References of the manuscript are used correctly.
The review process continues to notify authors if the manuscript is possible to accept without modification,
accept after modification or reject. The review process ends with checking the final pdf article version
and confirming the article for publication in the journal by the authors (if editor and reviewers accepted
the manuscript for publishing). The editor of the journal has the right to manage and, in certain circumstances,
change the peer review process at his discretion. In case of non-compliance with the conditions defined by the journal,
the publisher has the right to reject the manuscript or publish the manuscript in one of the publisher's journals.