Acta logistica
A c t a    l o g i s t i c a
International Scientific Journal about Logistics
ISSN 1339-5629


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Publication Ethics

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Acta Logistica

Publication Ethics Statements

The editorial office or the publisher may reject manuscripts if it is felt that the manuscript was not carried out within an ethical framework. Plagiarism in any form constitutes a serious violation of the most basic principles of education, research and scholarship and cannot be tolerated.

This policy details all authors, editors and reviewers working with and for Acta logistica (AL) journal and our ethical responsibilities. This includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, data falsification, misuse of third-party material, fabrication of results and fraudulent authorship.

Publisher 4S go, s.r.o. applies ethical principles to all published journals based on the existing principles of the Guidelines of the Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE) and of the ELSEVIER Publishing Ethics Resource Kit.

Duties of authors:

  • The authors guarantee that the manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The authors guarantee that they provide a precise description of the work done as well as an objective discussion of its significance.
  • The authors guarantee that they provide raw data in connection with an editorial review article.
  • The authors guarantee that they have written completely original works and, if they have used the work and/or the words of others, that it has been properly quoted or cited.
  • The authors guarantee that information obtained privately is not used or disclosed without the express written consent of the source.
  • The authors guarantee that authorship is limited to those who have contributed significantly to the study's conception, design, implementation or interpretation.
  • If the work involves chemicals, processes or equipment that have unusual hazards associated with their use, the author must identify them in the manuscript. The rights of human subjects to privacy must always be respected.
  • The authors guarantee that they disclose in their manuscript any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that might be considered unduly influencing (biased) their work.
  • The authors guarantee that if they find a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, they will immediately inform the editor of the journal or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the article if the editor deems it necessary.

Duties of editors:

  • The editor evaluates if the manuscript is relevant to the journal.
  • The editor shall ensure that the peer-review process is fair, unbiased, and timely.
  • The editor must not be involved in deciding on manuscripts that he/she has written himself/herself.
  • The editor must ensure that each manuscript is reviewed for its intellectual content.
  • The editor must ensure that information regarding the manuscript is kept confidential.

Duties of reviewers:

  • The reviewers must alert to potential ethical issues in the manuscript to the editor.
  • The reviewers should be kept confidential all information regarding the reviewed manuscript.
  • The reviewers must evaluate the manuscripts objectively.
  • The reviewers should express their views clearly with the supporting arguments.
  • Any selected reviewer who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the editor and decline to participate in the review process.

Duties of publisher:

  • The publisher has a supporting, investing, and nurturing role in the communication process.
  • The publisher is committed that having no impact or influence on editorial decisions.
  • The publisher may reject manuscripts if it is felt that the manuscript was not carried out within an ethical framework.
ISSN 1339-5629
Copyright © 4S go, s.r.o.
All Rights Reserved
Publisher:  4S go, s.r.o.
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40th percentile
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Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
32nd percentile
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Business and International Management
33nd percentile
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Civil and Structural Engineering
28th percentile
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